The Grange University Hospital Arts Programme

Rhaglen Gelfyddydau Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor

Artworks | Gweithiau Celf 

This website is a resource for you to discover more about the art around the hospital and the people who made it — artists, makers, photographers, designers and illustrators. Have you seen an artwork you’d like to learn more about? Take a look…

Mae'r wefan hon yn adnodd i chi ddarganfod mwy am y gwaith celf o amgylch yr ysbyty a'r bobl a'i lluniodd - artistiaid, gwneuthurwyr, ffotograffwyr, dylunwyr a darlunwyr. Ydych chi wedi gweld gwaith celf yr hoffech ddysgu mwy amdano? Cymerwch gip...

“Art in hospitals is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.”

— Emma Price, co-director of Studio Response


Art for the Grange | Celf ar gyfer y Faenor 

Around the Grange University Hospital you will see site-specific artworks that have been commissioned as part of the Grange Arts Programme, placing art at the heart of the hospital and the healthcare it provides.

O amgylch Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor fe welwch weithiau celf safle-benodol sydd wedi'u comisiynu fel rhan o Raglen Gelfyddydau'r Faenor, gan roi celf wrth galon yr ysbyty a'r gofal iechyd y mae'n ei ddarparu.